Helloooo! Guess what I’ve done today! Yup, another tutorial- check it out - How to draw a cartoon horse step by step.
Step 1
Start by sketching the guidelines. They really help to get proportions right, so don’t skip this step. The horse’s head is made of 2 circles. I’ve drawn another 2 circles and joined them together for the body. Sketch the legs, tail and facial features.
Step 2
Using a thick black pencil, trace over the guidelines and fill in the details. Erase the guidelines with a white pencil.
Step 3
Use the pencil and paint bucket tools to colour the horse with transparent colours. Airbrush the shadows and highlights with a transparent black and white respectively. I’ve added a more shadows with the pencil tool. Finish off the background with a res sun and a green meadow. That’s it your horse is done.