As per Airbender’s wiki, Aang is a fictional character and the main protagonist for Nickelodeon's animated television series, Avatar: The Last Airbender, which was created by Michael Dante DiMartino...
As per Airbender’s wiki, Aang is a fictional character and the main protagonist for Nickelodeon's animated television series, Avatar: The Last Airbender, which was created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko. He is voiced by Zach Tyler Eisen. It’s never late for you to know how to draw Avatar Aang from Avatar the Last Airbender. All you need to do is go through this guided lesson one step at a time for you to be able to create a realistic drawing.
You can start by creating a circle for his bald head. Add facial features. Sketch his neck and shoulders. Illustrate his body and hands. Make his costume. The next step on how to draw Avatar Aang from Avatar the last Airbender is to draw an arrow on his bald head. Highlight your drawing and use suitable colors.