One of the Marvel Comics Universe Characters is Nova. He is a comic book superhero in the Marvel Comics Universe. He gained super powers which includes enhanced strength, flight, and resistance to inj...
One of the Marvel Comics Universe Characters is Nova. He is a comic book superhero in the Marvel Comics Universe. He gained super powers which includes enhanced strength, flight, and resistance to injury when he joined Nova Corps. Want to know how to draw Nova from Marvel Comics universe? Heres a guided tutorial.
Draw an oval shape for his head. Add on elongated circles for his body. Add on his legs and hands putting emphasize on his muscles. Add on facial details and his mask with a star design on it. Add on his metal bullet proof support, his belt, and his hand shields. Highlight your drawing. Color his face with flesh tone. Use gold color for his mask and shields. And finally color his body with violet color for it to look like a body fitted super hero costume. That is how to draw Nova from Marvel Comics universe.