Yue is one of the card captor sakura characters. Yue name was spelled in katakana and it means moon in Chinese. It was not derived from the Japanese term Tsuki which means moon for Japanese.
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Yue is one of the card captor sakura characters. Yue name was spelled in katakana and it means moon in Chinese. It was not derived from the Japanese term Tsuki which means moon for Japanese.
Check out the steps on how you can draw Yue from card captor Sakura
Draw a half moon shape forming his body. Add on oval shape for his face on a right side view. Illustrate 2 lines for his neck, elongated circles for his shoulders and lines forming his hands. Draw his prince/warrior costume. Add his facial details. Sketch lines for his long hair which are overflowing on his fore head. Draw his fingers in a hand crossed position. Draw his wings. Highlight your drawing with black pen. Color his face with flesh color. Use grey color for his costume.
Those were steps on how you can draw Yue from Card Captor Sakura.