Arch villain of the 8th, 10th and 11th Dragon ball movies, Broly is the Legendary Super Saiyan. Born with an energy level of 10.000, Broly is a force to be reckoned with. Check out t...
Arch villain of the 8th, 10th and 11th Dragon ball movies, Broly is the Legendary Super Saiyan. Born with an energy level of 10.000, Broly is a force to be reckoned with. Check out this step by step tutorial lesson on how to draw Legendary Super Saiyan Broly.
Step 1
Start sketching the guidelines with grey pencil. I've drawn an oval for his face. He also has a thick neck and broad muscular shoulders. Don't forget the guidelines for the eyes, nose and mouth. I've also sketched in his wild hair.
Step 2
With a thin black pencil, I've draw the details of Broly's face, hair and body. Nest erase the guidelines with white pencil.
Step 3
Using the pencil tool, I've coloured Broly with transparent colours. I've done layers of colour to get darker tones and also used a darker shade for shadows. I've airbrushed the bg with 3 shades of blue, using the mid tone to merge the dark and light blues.
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Stars MAN!