This colorful Ladybug is a farmer's best friend. It eats up all the insects that destroy his crop. The bright colors are meant to warn those that eat the Ladybug that it tastes ...
This colorful Ladybug is a farmer's best friend. It eats up all the insects that destroy his crop. The bright colors are meant to warn those that eat the Ladybug that it tastes awful.
Step 1 -
To begin, I used the linel tool to draw a 'T' shape to divide the wings. Then I drew in the arc on either side to complete the wings. A curve on the top creates the head.
Step 2-
Now let's put in the bright colors that makes a Ladybug look so distinctive. I used the airbrush with a large brush size to put in the red for the wings and black for the head. Then I used the airbrush with a transparent white to shade in the shine on the wings and the head.
Step 3-
Finally, I used the pencil tool with black to draw the outline of the Ladybug and its legs and feelers.
Great that you are able to copy it using the same simple steps.