In case you were here by accident, this tutorial is not on how to draw Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy 7… though I do have drawing tutorials on how to draw Cloud. This tutorial ...
In case you were here by accident, this tutorial is not on how to draw Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy 7… though I do have drawing tutorials on how to draw Cloud. This tutorial lesson is on How to draw a cloud in a cartoon style. I also have a tutorial on how to draw clouds realisticlally. This picture is quick and easy to do. In fact I would rate it at the beginner level, perfect for kids to learn to draw… and anyone else. Have fun drawing this : )
Step 1
Start with the typical bump bump, bump, bump, outline for the cloud (you don’t actually have to say it while you draw… but it’s more fun that way : ) ) Colour in your cloud with the paint bucket tool and now you have your basic cloud.
Step 2
To make the basic cloud more interesting and to give it a 3d look, add shadows and highlights with the airbrush tool. The highlights are in transparent white and the shadows a dark transparent blue.
Take a look at these tutorials too - How to Draw Cloud from Final Fantasy, How to Draw Chibi Cloud
Thanx a pile.