Hikari Hanazono is the main character from the Japanese Shoji manga Special A. When she was six years old, her father introduced her to Kei Takishima and the two have been competing ever since. This s...
Hikari Hanazono is the main character from the Japanese Shoji manga Special A. When she was six years old, her father introduced her to Kei Takishima and the two have been competing ever since. This spunky girl can be illustrated if you take a look at the how to draw Hikari Hanazono from Special A tutorial.
To get this lesson going, draw a small circle where you want to place her head. Sketch several pencil lines illustrate her body. Make sure all of these lines are light. Add hair next and then go back over the drawing, darkening your initial pencil strokes. Color her shirt and tie a pale green and her hair black. That is the last of the how to draw Hikari Hanazono from Special A steps!