
alrity ppls.since im kinda bord nd all that,im gona write a story 4 u guys.itll b a preview tho.just comment me yes or no if i shuld continue the story.ok here goes


"Why are you guys doin this to me?!?!" I shouted. I banged the door furiously with my fists. Tears started to flow down my cheeks. I was locked in a crappy room that only had one twin sized bed,a woden chair,and a small bathroom but no shower. I kept on wondering why my life turned terrible after one little event. It all started on Wednsday during school at 5th period gym. I was seating on the bleachers minding my own business.

All the guys would mess around with other girls, while they are just being stupid and flirted with those guys. I sat there waiting till gym starts until a gunshot was heard not far from where I was sitting. All the girls stopped laughing and the guys froze. I sttod up and saw that our gym teacher, Ms. Prevenski was shot on the head. There was a mysterious man standing before the corpse.

He had long blonde hair tied back to a ponytail, pale yet fair skin, and crisp sky blue eyes. He stood there glaring at everyone in the gymnasium. Behind him came up a couple more guys. They both had short hair kind of like Taylor Lautner's style, dark skin, their bodies are covered with muscles, and they both had brown eyes. "Alright students, let's make things clear here. One, I'm not your coach or whatever got it?" Everyone nodded instantly. "Good, and two, I'm going to need one girl and one guy. Hmm let's see. YOU! black head come here." He pointed his gun at me and gestered for me to walk over.

I obediently walked over. "And uh, you! brown head come here." I recongized the guy to be Juan Hernandez. He was the most popular guy at school. Everyone treated him like a hero.  He was brave and outgoing. But now he's shaking and he looked like he was about to pass out. "Good good. PABLO! PACO! Bring these people back in the truck I got some business here I want to do. Make sure you guys locked all the exits for this room." He said then smiled evily. The  guards did as they were told. Before we went out, I heard moregunshots followed by screams, then laughter. From the looks of this, it looks like that Juan and I won't live........very long.

WOO! that was kinda gud. ok if u want me 2 continue from here, plz comment me & ill get 2 it as soon as i can! 

Topics: Mango
awsome continue 5 stars
  • September 28, 2010
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