Heyya everyone,
Im trying to prove 2 my mum that i can get enough money to buy an ipod nano with 4gb by the end of March && if i do she will give me the extra £20 to buy the 8 gb one ...Wana help??
Tell me your ideas for earing money...Maybe if you guys think my drawings are good enough...Maybe i could sale them??
Well what do you think??
Please check out my drawings && comment on this && them
Many thanks && much love
i do work  around the house to earn money, ask you mom if you could do some cleaning for some cash.

hop that helps
THanks lovett13 i will concider your idea too.
Many thanks

draw stuff for other people with a reasonable price,
that way you get money and get to draw

Hope it helps

I do this alot ask your mom if you can earn some cash cleaning around the house.

Also call up a family mamber and ask if you want them to have you babbysit sometime and tell them you need the money.Also ask if a family member needs some help around the house for money.

Well thats all i got.


Ok,Thats a good idia, You have to decide what you are going to draw first something special like even ask people what they want you to draw what they can buy! You can get a canves and get more money or do it on a1 size paper! That will increace to value! Then ask people what is the best price for my drawings? Probabily $1.50  to $10.00 ! Or you could do chours for your mum or even knock on peoples door and ask them if they need anything done! So i wish you luck!

Man all ya good too no fighting

umm wat i wuld do is help neigbors and stuff... haha

Chores for neighbors and friends.... Selling your art online might get you more than IRL, but you could do both. My friend is trying to save up for a trip to Germany this summer- she bought a pack of "artist trading cards," they're these brown carboard-like card things, at hobbylobby and makes little drawings on them with pen and white gel pen, and sells them for a dollar. You could do somehting like that.

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