Poll: Is this fun?
January 22, 2015 by
One person asks mommy a question the other person says no and gives a reason..
for example
"mommy can I go see the lanterns"
"no you're really a princess in a far away kingdom and everyone will find you"

let's try this out I will start

Mommy can I change a tire?
Nothing is quite as appetizing as a Band-Aid
Topics: fun
(your supposed to ask another question I guess I didnt explain that part sorry D: I will pretend you asked something)

no, lemurs don't exist

Mommy can I go to space?
Nothing is quite as appetizing as a Band-Aid
No unicorns with laser guns will shoot
No because you're allergic to justice

Mommy can I sculpt a dinosaur from ham?
Nothing is quite as appetizing as a Band-Aid
no, spongebob is out of your league

Mommy can I go to the future
Nothing is quite as appetizing as a Band-Aid
no, because ponies give you salmonella

Mommy I can has cheezburger?
Nothing is quite as appetizing as a Band-Aid
yes, obama cares about money

Mommy do ghosts exist
Nothing is quite as appetizing as a Band-Aid
no because you still aren't making enough money why cant you be more like your brother?

mommy am I going to die?
Nothing is quite as appetizing as a Band-Aid
no we are all fictional characters in The Sims

Mommy can I have some candy?
Nothing is quite as appetizing as a Band-Aid
No, its large turds would stain the rug

mommy can I have my blankie back?
Nothing is quite as appetizing as a Band-Aid
No it might be allervicx to hugs

mommy can I drop out of preschool?
Nothing is quite as appetizing as a Band-Aid
No we're imaginary monkeys floating on rainbows

Mommy can I time travel?
No, You might accidently kill the guy who invented the gazebo

Mommy can I has a puppy
Nothing is quite as appetizing as a Band-Aid
No disneyland is where area 51 is and they will enslave anyone who goes there

Mommy can I cosplay as a donut?
Nothing is quite as appetizing as a Band-Aid
No, honey, fat Americans might chase you down trying to eat you.

MOMMI, gibe da pusi b0ss?
just a nobody on the internet

-tp '15
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