YAY MY senior year, Man where did time go? this is the last year I have to deal with school but you know what? I actually am going to miss going to school.

My freshman year was like, "Go to school every day, chat with friends then return to the home I do not what to go to" But now I look back and see all the fun and happy times, Remembering them happy times can help the bad ones go away.

So, Tuesday, September 8th is the day I go back, senior, grade 12. Its just hard to get use to the fact that its my last year. So guys and girls who say they hate school, Just try to remember if you hate school, its going to be over faster than you know, SO enjoy school while you can. Remember the happy times and the bad things will go away Smile

Topics: SCHOOL
I agree. Being a senior, too, I know EXACTLY what you mean.
Highschool was honestly soe of the best years of my life, if not THE best.
It all... it just went by too quickly!
It's actually a shame, really. I'm getting older, but a big part of me wants to stay a kid forever. Because by this t...
  • August 31, 2009
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