WELL  NARUTO FINALLY CAME OUT IN AMERICA, HEY. When cartoonetwork stopped airing naruto completely I assumed it just stop production for a little while. When weeks turned into months I figured out that the anime was canceled. I found out some child mimicked a move from Garra, and ended up killig him self. In turn it caused the cancilation of naruto. But then it came back on air on Oct.28.2009 wednesday ,I was happy.The first episode wasn't as good as I would have liked it to be kind of boring .The anime voices for deidara and sasori were wrong to me. If you paid attention they pronounced  deidara and sasori name wrong in the first few episode . At first i thought that my own pronounciation of the words were wrong, but I watched the first episode in japanese and it sounded different.Then i thought that since it had been changed to english it would sound different. In the next few episodes the pronounciation of the akatsuki members' name changed.I started to laugh, I am so bored at my house that I would notice a little mistake like that.

Topics: naruto, shippuden
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