My cat died recently from cancer. We took her to the vet and found a tumor. We couldn't afford the treatment ($930) and she died about a week later. In her last two days of living she wouldn't eat, move, drink, or play so I did research and came to the conclusion that she had cancer. Its either that one tumor was cancerous or she had many, many more tumors inside her.
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I offer my condolences as well. My cat went through the same thing in the last few days of his life. In the last day of his life he fell on his side unable to get up. I tried to feed him or give him water he pushed me away with the little remaining strength he had left.
  • April 29, 2019
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Not sure why this just appeared to me but still, regardless.
  • April 29, 2019
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Anime Trash
I am so sorry and I hope you are recovering with the loss of your pet! my other cat just passed last year. we have a new one now and im doing much better, thank you for being my friend when i was younger!
  • December 4, 2021
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