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Dearest E,

I know it´s been a while since I´ve written you anything, you have to cope with me, I just don´t have the time to think back on all of what we did. Ha that brought back a lot of memories, remember the days on the dock? When we thought that nothing could go wrong. When you would sit there staring at me, the sun shining in those beautiful green marbles you call eyes, how that one drop of the ocean just rolled down your cheek, or at least I hope it was salt water, your marbles did seem a little red. But enough of that lets remember the time I was trying to teach you to sing. Even though you knew that I couldn´t you still wanted to learn just cause it was me. But I can´t stop but think on how gorgeous you looked that day on the dock, the picture of you smiling from ear to ear and how that star up in the sky made your skin glow, and the best part of it was when we sneaked our first kiss out in public. Remember how we hid under the dock, just to share a little peck?

But all in all I miss you and the saddest part is that this letter would never reach you; you never gave me
an address to dot it to.
Topics: inuderf83
Another great one. lol
  • November 24, 2009
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