Okay, if you've read a couple of my previous blogs, you'll know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, then I'll just hope you get it. Anyway, the boy that's obsessed with me, the one who's gone through 2 gf's painfully, is still on my case. I've rejected him a ZILLION times. You might think it's sweet, but it gets on my nerves. You might be thinking: "Why not just give him one chance at least?" as if I would. Most people in my class don't really like him, I've kind of discussed it with them after he came over and hugged me. The hugs get on my nerves as well, by the way.

   Oh, don't think I'm shallow just cause I don't like him cause no one else does, it's not that. I have a lot of real reasons. For one, I'm not really doing this for myself (okay, maybe I mostly am), but I'm doing it for him as well. Like I said, he went through two other girlfriends, who broke up with HIM. The first time, it was after a year or two, the second only took a month or two. If I decide to go with him, I'd end up breaking up with him in less than a week. I'm not intent on breaking his heart again and causing him to do suicide, believe me, he's mentioned it a couple of times.

   Also, my mom would NEVER allow me to get a boyfriend, she says my grades would go down. Seriously, I drew a boy, ONE boy, and she saw. And she went through a whole lecture about me not getting a boyfriend until after I finish school, and that he has to respect me and them and... Anyway, another thing about the guy. On Facebook, he posted how much he loved his ex gf, how much he misses her (she moved away to China, I think). his most recent being a couple days ago. He says how much he loves HER, then he comes over to me, hugs me, tells me how much he wants me (o.0).

   His personality is also an issue for me. He just LOVES to act cool, his movement, his words, the way he speaks. A few years ago, he used to run like Naruto. I mean, really, it looks cool in anime, in real life, just dorky. But he IS very athletic. And that whole side of him contrasts with his other face, his buttery personality. When he's with me, or his gf, or with his 'fake sisters', he uses this high, honeyed voice, which really doesn't suit him. And he hugs me in public in front of people, I'm not embarrassed that much cause I know I'm not with him, but it makes me feel uncomfortable.

   Well, yeah. I find the things about him loving and missing another girl then coming and saying I love you to me. o.0 I mean, what's up with that?

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