When I reached the door I exited the house into the garden. It was a maze of rosebushes and other flowering plants. I walked to the small pond in the center sheltered by a willow tree. I sat on the bench and watched the fish swim and jump out of the water. I smiled and rested my chin on the palm of my hand. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a dark figure in a long coat and top hat staring at me. I turned "Hello? and it was gone. It must have been my imagination nothing more. I stood and began walking acossed the bridge that climbed over the pond. Once I reached the otherside I stopped. Where were the other staff members of the mansion? I should have seen one by now other than Jasper. I kept walking until I reched the fence that serounded my home. I could leave the perimiter I knew this, yet it feels like a prison. I sighed then heard a rustle to my right "Who's there?" I saw the maid pop out of a bush "Oh, my lady!" I blinked, why was she in the bushes? She smiled "Oh, you're probably wondering, I was looking for a cat. "A cat?" I questioned. She smiled "Oh, the little thing was by the pond trying to catch a fish this morning and I've been chasing it ever since." I smiled "Oh maybe I could help." She had a shocked expresion"Oh no, it's-" I cut her off "I'm sorry for interupting, but I really have nothing to do anyway." She sighed "Well if that's what you wish." I smiled "Thankyou, oh and what did it look like?" She looked up "hmm? It was white with black spots. Oh, and it had the most unusual blue eyes." I had never seen a cat with blue eyes they were usually green brown or yellow. I knew cats could have blue eyes just noone I knew with a cat had them. Then I felt something against my leg. I looked down ,it was a white cat with black spots. I looked up and pointed at it "Is this it?" She looked at it then me "Well, how'd you get it to do that, It's been running from me all morning." I picked up the cat and cradled it. It wasn't very old judging by it's size. "Hey Ella,who do you think it belongs to?" I asked. She looked at it "Noone around here has a cat like that." I looked at it and smiled "I bet it's starving." after that I headed to the house. "Where are you going?" I smiled and turned "I'm going to get it somthing to eat." She followed behind me "Alright." We entered the household and headed to the kitchen. Jasper was standing at the sink again. I smiled and held up the cat "Hey Jasper, guess what we found!" He turned "I see." then he continued "I wouldn't be surprized if you brought a wolf home one day." I smiled "Oh, you guys would never let me have a wolf." Jasper smiled "I bet it's hungry so I'll get something for it,alright" I smiled "Okay!" I walked into the living room with Ella and the cat. I sat on the floor and put the cat down. Ella sat infront of me. "Hey Ella, where is everyone else?" "Oh,Benjamin went to the store to buy some new hedge cutters but I don't know where Gadge is". I scratched behind the cats ears "What happened to the old hedge cutters did they break?" "Yes, he was sharpening them and one blade broke." I looked up "Oh, Is he okay?" She smiled "Yes, the blade missed him." I sighed "That's good." Jasper walked in with two bowls and sat them infront of the cat"Gadge whent to the store with Benjamin to get groceries, I said I would go instead, but he insisted I stay". Looked at the bowls they were ones made for animals "Where'd those come from?" He smiled "We had them for when a important guest came to visit with an animal", "oh" I replied.I looked at the cat then at Jasper "What are we going to do with the cat?" Jasper smiled "Well, if noones claims her we'll just have to keep her." I looked up at him "Her?" He replied "yes, it's a girl" I looked up "Won't we need fliers for people to see if it's theres?" Jasper smiled "I'll get right on that." before another word he left to go find a camera. I looked at Ella "When do you think they'll get back?" "Who, oh! They shouldn't be too long. Why?" I looked at the cat "No real reason, just curious." The cat purred while I stroked it. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw the black figure again. I looked over quicker "Did you just see that!" Ella looked in the direction I was in confusion "See what?" I looked at her with a smile "Oh I guess it was nothing then." She looked at me with worry "Alright then." Jasper came back into the room with a camera. He had the cat sit up in the usual pose for cats. He took two pictures and left for ,my guess, the printing room. The cat lyed on the floor and remained still except its tail which the tip was quickly moving back and forth. I watched it over and over again. Jasper cane out with a stack of papers and set them on the coffee table. Then the door opened and Gadge and Bengamin walked in with some grociery bags. Jasper smiled "Let me help." and without another word he was helping Gadge with the groceries. Benjamin took the hedge cutters and headed to the garden.

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