So last week I got my first highschool report card. And I got 3 A's and a couple of B's (Nuuu~ I is no longer A-sian I is AB-sian TT_TT"). My socials teacher gives wickedly hard tests, and my technology ed teacher... I'm pretty sure I did very well on the assignments, but I have no idea why he gave me a 79%.Despite that, I was still very happy with my results.

My mom wasn't as optimistic as I, though. She totally freaked at my 79% and went over a 10 minute lecture about school and how I only have five subjects and didn't manage to get straight A's, and how my education's for me, not for them.

I honestly wanted to snap at her like a dragon, but I kept my mouth shut anyway. So what if I didn't get straight A's? I have mostly honours classes and I hate socials. And, yeah, my educations for me, not for them, so why do they care so much, and why can't they let me be happy about what I got? *seethes*

I'm just lucky we have a student in our home. Otherwise I'd be yelled at for the best part of an hour. :D

Topics: term, one, high, school, report, card
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