Well, today was interesting. XD For the past week I've sorta been slacking off during art. We were supposed to start papier mache sea creatures, but in 3 days I only got about a ball of newspaper accomplished, with no idea what to turn it into. Today I actually started getting to work! *amazed* I made a seahorse, cause they're cute :3. I would've made a Blobfish but there weren't any in the Little Mermaid (which is our theme). 

Anyway, I got the basic structure of it done. We didn't have a roll of masking tape at our table so I had to go over to the neighbouring table and borrow their every now and then. One of the guys there was making a newspaper-masking tape 'sword' and kept testing it out on me. He was also pretending to be Zoro from One Piece with it. XD At the end of class, when my seahorse was actually seahorse-looking, he took it from me and started 'riding' it while swinging his sword around. I think I need to wash it now. LOL

During science, my teacher wanted to see how well we knew eachother, so she made us line up against a wall and order ourselves according to last names then birthdays. While she was thinking of something else to do, one of classmates walked in, about 10 minutes late for class. Teacher made him do pushups and squats. THEN she made us all to wallsits while explaining in turn why being late is bad or whatever. We had to do it three times since a couple of us kept screwing up. It was funny though, and people passing our classroom were like, Wth? XD

Hmmm... I think I may be bipolar. Cause most days, I can be extremely hyper and giggle so much it annoys ME, then minutes later I go all depressed and sulk around, thinking depressing things. I dunno. Tongue

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