Hey people! I'm Cara and I enjoy drawing manga. I've created a new manga called Staf.It follows four normal, abandoned cats named after me and my cousins. They live in the allies of NYC,but at night, with the help of there magical stafs, the four destroy the evil forces of the allies. If I was to publish this manga, do any of you think that it will be a big hit like naruto? Please respond!  Tell me if you want any more info on staf. I'd be happy to give it!
Topics: wats, a, tag?
hi  i think that u should make the cats turn in to pretty young women and then i would be a hit like naruto
  • March 23, 2008
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lol LOVE this, but what about haveing like abangoned kids, with magical cats too??
  • March 23, 2008
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might b on t.v.....but if naruto and bleach ever go off I BET IT WILL B TOP HIT MANGA AND T.V SHOW
  • March 23, 2008
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