first of all this is brandan a dog that died in september which was very near to my birthday because...first of all this is brandan a dog that died in september which was very near to my birthday because my birthday is in october.
second l will change my account quite alot.
third if you look at any of my tutorials or drawings please post a comment because it lets me know is i need to improve something and then next time i'll try and add what you said would be better to draw or a better colour for what i drawn.
fourth i go on a game called pony island and i have a female baby unicorn called rein, a male pegasus pony called dark sunshine who is breeding with my purrpony bluebella and the babies will be born on the 27/12/2010 at 8:00pm, i am so happy that bluebella is having some babies, by the way some of the babies will look like purrponies but will have wings like pegasus ponies
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