ahaha... my brothers started to watch it and i keep hearing them say "naruto" ..... and i thought i might aswell check it out...

I started watching because I loved art and writing and thus found Manga- which i liked 100 times more than comics as the manga was not as... well, whatever. Anyway, then I watched an anime because my boyfriend was making one and I was a voice actor for it and I wanted to explore that more. We were both learning Japanese so watching anime seemed like a good next step to help us learn the language.

Accept everyone for their race, beliefs, gender, and age. If you have time to judge others, you're not looking closely enough at yourself.

when i was in 1st lol it was new years eve and like i was bored and started watchin cartoon network and naruto was on(at the time i was bored so i would watch anything includin dora and blues clues O_o) so tht how i got into animel but naruot the only anime show i can wactch on t.v cuz the other 1s r after my bed time T_T so tht basicaly how i started

i love fighting and action.i also watch inuyasha

Naruto, you got into animels?lol


i got board and decided to watch naruto because my friends liked it. Smile

tbh, Naruto got me into watching anime because my cousins kept telling how great it was. But I soon found out, after Naruto Shippuden episode 9, that it sucks. Tongue

What keeps me watching more anime is how beautiful the characters look in anime, and the interesting plots in them

Naruto fails, tbh. I dislike most endless shonen.

Only endless shonen I probably like are Gintama and Bleach.

Well I just opened my Tv n then i saw Naruto n my frends always talked about it so i just watched it and completly liked the show

well like most ppl i know i got hooked on the AMERICAN Naruto where ppl pronounce naruto like Naarrr--ooooo--toe when really the americans either stretch out the names to much, or they replace all Ts with Ds like Narudo. and at first I saw nothing wrong with that until my sister found the manga. yes the wonderful world of manga. pretty soon we were looking up the real show on youtube and guess what? NARUTO WAS ORIGINALLY MEANT FOR TEENS. thats right! in the real show they say lots of bad words which didnt bother me and my sister to much. oh and Beleive it? NOT HIS REAL CATCH PHRASE. if you were to fully translate what naruto says it would be  Woooohooooo! not BELEIVE IT! so now i love anime and manga and it bothers me ALOT when ppl call themselves fans but then pronounce his name wrong or say yeah im his biggest fan so im gonna say beleive it alot!! Im sorry but get it right ppl!! BTW, if you are not 13 years or older, do not watch the original anime or read the manga because of the cuss words.

Naruto got me into watching anime

i dont know why xD i like it more than normal movies ^^

but yah my brother runs around yelling sasuke sasuke xD

just like every one else it started with naruto  well i was watching cartoonetwork and they was talking about this new show naruto comeing out so when it can on i watched it and now i never stop watching naruto and other anime

my freind started drawing anime and so i felt left out so i my first unlike any of you it was rozen maiden i did'int stop waching it and then got good at drawing it.

at first i thought liking animes like naruto was just for nerds, but then i saw the first episode of yuyu hakusho with my bro, and fell in luv with it.

i saw yuyu hakusho b4 that tho, i even liked it, but that was wen i was like 7, so i probably didnt remember

basically its the same as everyone else naruto, cos i was bored one day so me and my sister tried naruto cos she heard it somewhere. but now i dont watch naruto i dont like it, i watch bleach, death note plus a few others but no naruto

i just turned on the t.v one day and naruto was on and it was the episode with haku and zabuza and zabuza was about to slice sakura into peices(heehee) but then it ended b4 it showed if he would cut her or not and i wanted to see what happend and just kept going from there so.....yeah....suspense got me into anime!

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