Id like to see somre more work from people who say they can draw, ive only met 1 really skilled guy on here and he has since left, id love to look at ur guys work and offer some advice whilst my scanners getting fixed up (so i can put up my manga) anywayz hit me up and show ur skillz of
I agree! No more google pics! Just ORIGINAL ART!
Accept everyone for their race, beliefs, gender, and age. If you have time to judge others, you're not looking closely enough at yourself.
some people should draw sum manga. compeition ends in less then 8 days but even not for the comp its awesome to have ur own little strips to show of ur characters it doesnteen have to make sence.
Fu yoh u can draw so nice oo
Yeah, i gotta get started on mine, been so busy lately. XD
Accept everyone for their race, beliefs, gender, and age. If you have time to judge others, you're not looking closely enough at yourself.
check my drawings,espacilly the Sasuke doing his Chidori only good at drawing when i feel it.
"This party is about to get crazy!"
- Dante (Devil May Cry 3)
Well, you can check out my stuff if you want. It's not the best in the world as I'm still learning, but you're free to check it out
show me that u draw want
im just been getting into drawing.. and some nice drawings but our scaner quit working. so i cant really post none im gonna try to take some pictures and see how that works out.
YAY.....mines finily do, ill turn it in, but i messed up on one of the charectore........well ull see, hope u all like it ^_^
Could you look at my stuff? Only two pictures at this time, but I will upload some more. In fact, I may right now. Check them out, please.
mine are good(your opinion).plz lookat 'em.
umm, I think I can draw pretty good...I'm new around here, mind if you check my works? You asked for it yourself
Hey! im just like you im new im not the best in draw's but....i just wanted to see artist like you guys!
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