Alexandra Margarita "Alex" Russo is the main protagonist of the Disney Channel sitcom Wizards of Waverly Place, portrayed by Selena Gomez. As the middle child and only daughter, she is sly, outgoing, ...
Alexandra Margarita "Alex" Russo is the main protagonist of the Disney Channel sitcom Wizards of Waverly Place, portrayed by Selena Gomez. As the middle child and only daughter, she is sly, outgoing, and sometimes rude to her family and friends
step 1. draw the basic head design by drawing a circle.Hairs are made with the thick black pencil.
step 2. trace the outline of the character on the other page with thin black pencil.
step 3.
color the background with green keeping the skin tone low,color the lips pinkish whitey shade in it. hairs are colored brown and you are ready with the alex russo.