Road Kamelot is a ‘Noah’ in the D.Gray-man manga and anime. She has a Noah form, a Human form and a Doll form and has a hatred for ‘normal’ humans. We have a how to draw Road Kamelot of D.Gray...
Road Kamelot is a ‘Noah’ in the D.Gray-man manga and anime. She has a Noah form, a Human form and a Doll form and has a hatred for ‘normal’ humans. We have a how to draw Road Kamelot of D.Gray-man step by step guide for you to try.
Step 1 The first step is to sketch in the face neck and hair, then adding the facial features.
Step 2 From the sketch we then trace the lines we want to appear in our finished drawing.
Step 3 To finish the how to draw Road Kamelot of D.Gray-man guide add color to the drawing and some light effects including shadows.