Step 1 - Start with drawing three oval shapes, two bigger ones and a smaller one between them to the right side.
Step 2 - Add another two petals on the left side and a small oval shape from the center of the flower.
Step 3 - For the second flower we're going to draw the petals facing down, draw a bigger petal and two smaller ones on the sides of it.
Step 4 - Sketch the base of the flower's bud, start with a 'v' shape over the big petal and add a smaller shape on the left side and even a smaller oval shape on the right.
Step 5 - Draw the third flower as we did with the first, start with one big petal and attach four more to it. Don't forget the small oval at the center.
Step 6 - For the last flower we're going to draw it facing to the side, start drawing the base of the flower using a leaf shape and two more smaller above and below.
Step 7 - Add three petals, start drawing the big one in the middle and draw the other two after.
Step 8 - Draw a curved line for the flower's stem and add two leafs on the sides.
Step 9 - Draw two more stems and add a leaf on the left one.
Step 10 - Continue sketching more leafs on the stems and between the flowers.
Step 11 - Trace your drawing with a black pen and erase the pencil sketches after.
Step 12 - Color you drawing, you can use different shades of the same color from bright to dark inside the flowers.