Bella Thorne is a popular Disney Channel star. She is an actress, dancer, singer, and model. Have you ever wondered how to draw Bella Thorne? Well, now's your chance to learn! Watch this tutorial!
Bella Thorne is a popular Disney Channel star. She is an actress, dancer, singer, and model. Have you ever wondered how to draw Bella Thorne? Well, now's your chance to learn! Watch this tutorial!
Begin with the guiding lines of her face and outlining her head and hair. Draw out her shoulders and the collar of her shirt. Then put in the details of her face in a darker color. Erase the guiding lines. Begin coloring and shading as needed. Finish off your how to draw Bella Thorne tutorial with a nice, dark background to show her off.
the secret is - use the different opacity on the color.
how much opacity i use when i'm drawing with some color.