Topic: blog


so this is my blog. my name is grace grooms. i love to fraw manga they have it on this site. i love gir he is the best. is yall haven't seen gir it is on channal 302 with direct tv it isn the anyway t...
Topics: blog

well... i havent made a blog lately ... so ill make one a blog now.. well i already started the blog but oh wells... its still a blog... blogs are cool.. but sometime i have nothing to write for my bl...
Topics: blog

I am sooo bored. I want a cookie! So waking up for zero period takes a toll on you. I am getting more tired each day, but I still like what I do so I must perservere (sorry for misspelling)....
Topics: blog

Hey Pplz, My real name is Casey, the things i love  to do most are: Singing, Karate,Drawing(Obviously!!!). you can view my tutorials and learn how to draw things that i draw...See ya CASEY!!!!!!!!!!!...
Topics: My, blog

What makes some people better than others. Is it the way they talk or look. Is it because they exclude others. If anyone can answer these questions please send me a message in explanation...
Topics: Blog