hi peoples of the world guess what time it is...its bloging time.so anyway i just saw the 2nd greatest movie of all time yesterday ya wanna know what it is course u do its breaking dawn part 1 yayz it...
Topic: Twilight
DogLover12's Gallery #4
by DogLover12
Hey, I'm back! Sry its been long but i did drew at least two pics in hre. Here is my excuse...I was addicted to TWILIGHT SERIES!!!!! Especialy the parts with JACOB BLACK in it. I hve... sry fan girl h...
DogLover12, Gallery, Twilight, Anthro, 4
truly evil
by BlurToot
this is something from someone: Voldemort is truly evil, by killing Cedric Diggoryhe created Edward Cullen. i really love this... imean...picture a guy....super pale...with panda eyes/.... in what way...
♥♥♥I'm a Taylor Swift fan♥♥♥
by lolgirl123
Are you a Taylor Swift fan and wanna shout it out to the world of drawingnow.com? Then join me, add me and together we can all spread the mesage of Taylor swift!! Hey we can also spread twilight cheer...