Okay i figured that kat was lonely so i should hook her up with some guys. I went on craigs list and i foung these guys!!! :D I was like,"Katherine you need to get a man you really need it". She said,...
Topic: carina
Sad News
by CheCarina12
Well katherine and I got into this huge arguement. That explains not being online and her deleting her account. I`m really not going to talk about it but all i`m going to tell you guys is that i` mlea...
by CheCarina12
Oh My God! This is some weird stuff! I got sent to the principal`s office today..i`ll tell you why! I was minding my own buisness! When I was in my Science class for Mrs.Wanda. She looks like this.. ...
school, nasty, carina, checarina, kat, akatsuki291, xxcreepykidsoncrackxx
Lost In Target
by CheCarina12
PLEASE POST COMMENTS(WE LIKE TO BE CARED ABOUT) Okay! This was my most terrible expirence...besides that time I made my partents phone bill go up to $800 and who knows what but still....
store, lost, carina, checarina, kat, akatsuki291, xxcreepykidsoncrackx
The Olive Garden Masacre!
by CheCarina12
PLEASE COMMENT ON OUR BLOGS!!! okay listen up people! This is some crazy doo doo! My home girl kat and I were at olive garden .Since My Italain side comes out every now and then! It Just an ordianry F...
pizza, frank, xxcreepykidsoncrackxx, checarina12, akatsuki291, carina, kat