I was and still am going through a depressing time in my life, my father told me he loved me then left..... My mom keeps getting into relationships that scare my life and I have to carry those scare...
Topic: emo
Diary of an Emo Girl
Welcome to my "diary"..... I'll do something here every once in awhile, so just check in whenever.... I don't really care.... Okay, so, umm.... I MIGHT put some of my work on here, but you nev...
HAHA today
by GaaraGirl004
Today in speech I was bored so I drew a stick person XD and I named him jasper. Under it a grl put Andrew so I drew another stick person but their legs and arms were to short but the grl said it was p...
Naruto Cancelled?
by ItachiFan
Is Naruto Really Cancelled? Or is it making more Episodes to be released? Well the answer is really simple, No. Naruto is Currently being Dubbed* for the next hit, Naruto : Hurricane Cronicles. In Re...
all emos and gothes!!!
by hibari-kun
i am emo and my parents want me to cheer up because they said i am not that easy to talk to plz any other emos or goths tell me wat i should say to them!!! DX DX DX ...